- June: Rui Pereira will present a paper at the 2014 HCII conference, Greece.
- April 10-11: Several team members participated at sapo codebits 2014, Lisbon.
- April 9: João Saraiva gave a talk on Spreadsheets as Large Data-Centric Software Systems at the INESC TEC workshop on Big Data.
- March 31: We ran an empirical study to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of MDSheet. Results will be published soon!
- March 24: Rui Pereira and Tiago Carção visit Joost Visser in Amsterdan. They give a talk at SIG.
- February/March: One of the project members, Jácome Cunha, is visiting our consultant Prof. Dr. Martin Erwig, Oregon State University, EUA.
- 24/2 - Talk at the Oregon State University - EECS Colloquium: Spreadsheet Engineeering
- February 7: Team weekly meetings move from Friday to Tuesday’s afternoons (14:30-17:00).
- December:Jácome Cunha gave a tutorial on MDSheet in the context of the course on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM) offered to the PhD students of the MAPi doctoral program.
- December 20: André Silva defended his MSc thesis with title “Directed Evolution of Model-Driven Spreadssheets”.
- November 26: Meeting at Bosch Electronics in Braga. Start of our (informal) colaboration with the department of software quality.
- October 31: Rui Pereira defended his MSc thesis with title “Querying for Model-Driven Spreadssheets”.
- September 30 - October 4: Participation at the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC 2013). Jácome Cunha and Rui Pereira presented one paper at the main conference and one tool demo.
- July 30: Official end of the FCT funded SSaaPP project.
- July 8-10: Participation at the International Summer School on Domain Specific Languages, Cluj, Romania. João Saraiva, Jácome Cunha, and João Paulo Fernandes gave a tutorial on “Spreadsheet engineering”.Jorge Mendes and Rui Pereira attended the school.
- July 5: Meeting at Braga’s Food Bank (Banco Alimentar). Start of our (informal) colaboration.
- June 24-27: Participation at the 13th International Conference on Computational Science and Applications (ICCSA 2013), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. João Saraiva presented the paper “Complexity Metrics for ClassSheet Models”.
- March 6: Visit of our consultant Prof. Dr. Alberto Pardo. Short presentations by the following team members:
- Spreadsheet Querying (Rui Pereira)
- Spreadsheet Security (Pedro Faria)
- Model Driven Spreadsheet Engineering (Jorge Mendes)
- Spreadsheet Smells (Pedro Martins)
- ClassSheet Semantics (André Silva)
- January 28: Empirical study with our first year MSc students to evaluate the MDSheet framework.
- October: Bitbucket account for collaborative development of the projects developed in the context of the project.
- September 30 - October 4: Participation at the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC 2012). Jácome Cunha and Jorge Mendes presented a paper at the main conference, a paper at the Graduate Consortium and a tool demo.
- September 18: Jorge Mendes defended his MSc thesis.
- September 17-18: Second SSaaPP workshop, joint with the first FATBIT workshop.
- August 19-23: Participation at the SoteSola Summer School, Koblenz, Germany. Jácome Cunha and João Paulo gave a tutorial on “Model based Spreadsheet Engineering”.
- June 18-21: Participation at the 12th International Conference on Computational Science and Applications (ICCSA 2012), Salvador da Bahia, Brazil. João Saraiva presented the paper “Towards a catalog of spreadsheet smells”.
- June 2-8: Participation at the 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2012), Zurich, Switzerland. João Paulo and Jorge Mendes presented one paper, two posters and a workshop paper (workshop USER)!
- May 28: Participation at the 5th International Conference on Model Transformation ICMT 2012, Prague, Czech Republic. Jácome Cunha presented the paper “Bidirectional Transformation of Model-Driven Spreadsheets”.
- May 15: Tiago Alves defended his PhD thesis with title “Benchmark-based Software Product Quality Evaluation”.
- April 24-27:Participation at the XV Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering(CibSE12),Buenos Aires, Argentina. Rui Maranhão presented the paper “Constraint-based Debugging of Spreadsheets”.
- April 23: Jácome Cunha and João Saraiva gave a general talk about the SSaaPP project to the MSc students (ACS specialization).
- April 1: João Saraia gave an informal tool demo at LDTA2011 on “Evolution of Model Driven Spreadsheets”.
- March 26-30: Participation at 27th Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC 2012), Riva del Garda (Trento), Italy. Jácome Cunha presented the paper “From Relational ClassSheets to UML+OCL” at the software engineering track.
- March 21: Jácome Cunha gave a talk at the HASLab weekly seminar on “From Relational ClassSheets to UML+OCL”.
- March 9: João Saraiva gave the invited talk at Morgan Stanley, Budapest on “Spreadsheet Engineering“.
- January 30: Empirical Study on Model-driven Spreadsheets with the MSc students (UCE: ACS)
- December 30: Chistophe Peixoto and Hugo Ribeiro defended their MSc thesis.
- A Quality Model for SpreadSheets, Christophe Peixoto, MSc thesis, Departamento de Informática, Universidade do Minho, December 2011.
- Smells in Spreadsheets, Hugo Ribeiro, MSc thesis, Departamento de Informática, Universidade do Minho, December 2011.
- November 5: A tool demo video of MDSheet: A Framework for Model-driven Spreadsheet Engineering is available here.
- October 16: HaExcel: a model-based spreadsheet evolution system, HASLab talk/demo (talk given by Jácome Cunha and demo by Jorge Mendes).
- September 30: Meeting at FEUP, Porto (attended by Jácome, Hugo, André, Rui and Saraiva) to discuss/prepare a possible ETAPS paper.
- September 18-22: Participation at VL/HCC 2011, Pittsburgh, USA
- Jácome Cunha presented the the full paper Embedding and Evolution of Spreadsheet Models in Spreadsheet Systems at VL/HCC.
- Jorge Mendes presented the paper ClassSheet-driven Spreadsheet Environments at VL/HCC graduate consortium.
- Jorge Mendes, Jácome Cunha and João Saraica presented a poster an gave a tool demo in a special VL/HCC night session.
- September 10-15: Consultant visit - Alberto Pardo visited the group to work on the incremental evaluation of circular programs.
- September 9: Local Meeting to discuss Quality of Spredsheets (attended by João Paulo Fernandes, Rui Maranhão, André Riboira, Hugo, Christophe, Jorge Mendes and João Saraiva)
- Hugo presented his algorithm to infer critical cells in a spreadsheet.
- Christophe presented the web application and the quality model he is defining.
- André Riboira used the results of Hugo Algorithm to apply the Ochiai algorithm.
- July 25: Meeting at FEUP, Porto (attended by André, Rui and Saraiva)
- July 14 - July 15: Jácome Cunha end João Paulo presented the paper An Empirical Study on End-users Productivity Using Model-based Spreadsheets at EuSpRIG'11 in London, UK.
- July 2 - July 9: During GTTSE + SLE 2011 we had several meetings in the context of the project:
- Team meeting on Wednesday 6 (attended by Jácome, João Paulo, Maranhão, André, Christophe, Jorge, Hugo, Joost, Creissac, Carlos, and Saraiva).
- Meeting with Martin Erwig on Friday 8 (Jácome, Joost, and Saraiva).
- Lunch Meeting with Arje van Deursen and Martin Erwig on Thursday 7 (Joost and Saraiva).
- March 26 - April 3: Jácome Cunha and João Saraiva presented the paper Type-safe Evolution of Spreadsheets at FASE/ETAPS’11 in Saarbrunken, Germany.
- March 22: SSaaPP First Workshop
- March 13: Empirical study with the MSc on databases