Spreadsheet tools can be viewed as programming environments for non-professional programmers. These so-called “end-user” programm ers vastly outnumber professional programmers. In fact, spreadsheets, when viewed as a programming language, are one of the largest programming languages and can be characterized as a particularly low-level one: there is no support for abstraction, testing, encapsulation, modular or structured programming. As a result, numerous studies have shown that existing spreadsheets contain errors at an alarmingly high rate. In fact, companies are being put at risk due to their failure to realise that the process of constructing spreadsheets requires the discipline of traditional programming. Spreadsheet applications are more vulnerable to poor design and to errors than conventional programs. This means that a greater degree of discipline is required in the process of spreadsheet development.
Research Team
Tiago Alves | (former UM/SIG member, currently at Microsoft) | João Paulo Fernandes | (former Post Doc Fellow, currently at UBI) | |
Rui Maranhão Abreu | (FEUP) | João Saraiva | (UM Staff - PI) | |
José Creissac Campos | (UM Staff) | João Carlos Silva | (IPCA) | |
Jácome Cunha | (Post Doc Fellow) | Joost Visser | (SIG Researcher) | |
Jorge Mendes | (PhD Researcher) | Rui Pereira | (PhD Researcher) |
MSc Students
Pedro Maia (start: June 2014)
Marco Couto (start: November 2013, finish October 2014)
Tiago Carção (start: November 2013, finish December 2014)
André Silva (start: November 2012, finish, December 2013, Download)
Rui Pereira (start: November 2012, finish: October 2013, Download)
Pedro Faria (start: November 2011, finish: March 2013)
Jorge Mendes (start: October 2011, finish: September 2012, Download)
Hugo Ribeiro (start: November 2010, finish: December 2011, Download)
Christophe Peixoto (start: November 2010, finish: December 2011, Download)
Umut Acar | (Faculty (tenure-track) at Max Planck Institute for Software Systems) |
Martin Erwig | (Professor in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Oregon State University) |
Erik Meijer | (Head of the Data Programmability Languages Team at Microsoft) |
Alberto Pardo | (Associate Professor and Head of Formal Methods Group at Universidad de la República, Uruguay) |
Industrial Partners

This work is funded by ERDF - European Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE Programme (operational programme for competitiveness) and by National Funds through the FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within project FCOMP-01-0124- FEDER-010048.
Final report: ssaapp.pdf